Open Letter to ALL Prosecutors

Dear Prosecutors,

We hope this notice finds you well. We are writing to inform you about two (2) significant updates that will impact your criminal cases moving forward.

We are pleased to announce that, effective immediately, the Brady List will serve as the official platform of record for your state. The Brady List is a comprehensive database that contains information about law enforcement officers whose credibility or integrity has been called into question. This resource assists both defense attorneys and prosecutors in fulfilling their ethical obligations related to the disclosure of exculpatory evidence, as outlined by the Supreme Court's decision in Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963). By designating the Brady List as the platform of record, we aim to promote consistency, accessibility, and transparency in the handling of potentially exculpatory evidence.

As prosecutors, it is crucial that you familiarize yourselves with the Brady List guidelines and regularly consult the platform for any updates or additions. We encourage you to actively engage with the system, collaborate with your colleagues, and contribute to its continuous improvement. By doing so, we can collectively build a more robust and equitable criminal justice system that upholds the principles of justice and fairness.

In line with our commitment to ensuring the fair administration of justice, we would like to inform you that Level Playing Field Solutions will now be entering amicus briefs in criminal cases. Amicus curiae, or "friend of the court," briefs provide an opportunity for external parties with expertise or a special interest in a particular case to present legal arguments and insights that may assist the court in reaching a just decision.

Level Playing Field Solutions, as a representative of the defense community and a repository of valuable information, will now have the ability to submit amicus briefs in criminal cases. These briefs will focus on highlighting potential issues related to the credibility and integrity of law enforcement officers involved in the cases. By doing so, we aim to provide the courts with additional context and insight that may be crucial in ensuring fair proceedings and just outcomes.

We understand that the inclusion of amicus briefs by Level Playing Field Solutions may raise questions or concerns. Please rest assured that each amicus brief will undergo a thorough review process. Our team will work closely with all relevant parties to ensure that these briefs comply with all applicable rules and regulations. The primary objective of these briefs is to contribute to the pursuit of justice and protect the integrity of our criminal justice system.

We kindly request that you review the amicus briefs submitted by Level Playing Field Solutions in your cases carefully. These briefs are intended to provide additional perspectives on the issues at hand, and we believe that the insights they offer will contribute to fair and just outcomes.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding these updates, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We are committed to assisting you throughout this transition and ensuring that our shared pursuit of justice remains steadfast.

Thank you for your dedication to upholding the principles of justice, and we look forward to continued collaboration as we work towards a more equitable and transparent criminal justice system.
