Conviction Integrity Unit [CIU]

The purpose of a Conviction Integrity Unit [CIU] is to identify, remedy, and prevent systemic inequities within the justice system, including:

  • selective enforcement
  • abuse of discretion
  • lack of accessibility
  • biased judgements, rulings, and procedures
  • excessive bureaucracy

Prosecutor misconduct is rampant in the United States; and by far the number one cause of prosecutorial misconduct is the failure or refusal to disclose exculpatory evidence - and that is why the Brady List exists as a public-facing platform.

For communities that have been plagued with police misconduct and prosecutorial misconduct that have resulted in large cash settlements, here a few things you can do:

Step I: Civilian Oversight Committee

Bring together three (3) individuals: a) top law enforcement leader; county prosecutor or District Attorney; and, the chief Judicial Officer and ask them some questions.

  1. Ask (on-the-record) your law enforcement leader [Sheriff/Chief]:
    • Does the department maintain evidence lists of police misconduct to be disclosed in all criminal cases that qualifies as 'Brady material'?
  2. Ask (on-the-record) your prosecutor or District Attorney: 
    • Does the office maintain their own evidentiary list know as a Brady, Do-Not-Call, or Giglio List?
    • Does the office receive the evidence list of police misconduct from every law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction?
    • Does every prosecutor combine and disclose those lists in every criminal case; including plea agreements?
  3. Ask (on-the-record) the jurisdiction's [county or district] Chief Judge:
    • Does the Court mandate and confirm the compilation and disclosure of the law enforcement and prosecutor lists as part of the discovery process?

If the answer to any of these questions is anything other than an unequivocal 'Yes' - you have a problem.

If any one of these individuals pleads the fifth - you have a big problem.

Step II: Review the Records

  1. Pick a time frame: 10 records from each of 10 recent years (more or less)
  2. Ensure the disparity of the records: each year: 2 trials; 2 deferments; and, 6 pleas.
  3. Check the official Court records to see if the disclosures are included.

That's it. Now you know whether or not you really have a problem. Good luck!


With the evolution of the Judge Watch Network, extensive and ongoing law enforcement civil right violations, systemic prosecutorial misconduct, and the incompetent judicial discipline pretenses have led to the need for CRUs and CIUs to evaluate large quantities of cases for reversal, dismissal, compensation, and sanctions against the bad faith institutional actors.

The JudgeWatch Network is the definitive public-facing database of information about judicial ratingspublic complaintsmisconduct, and Court Watch reports and reviews.

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